Jams & JelliesMangoStrawberry

Low Sugar Strawberry Mango Jam Canning Recipe

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The result? A fantastic jam that we can’t get enough of. The combination of mango and strawberry creates a flavor that everyone loves. There’s a reason why we called our creation a strawberry mango jam, not mango strawberry jam. In our jam, the strawberry flavor shines, with just a hint of mango to complement it. If you have extra strawberries and mangoes lying around, give this unique jam a try!


The specified in this jam recipe quantity of ingredients should yield enough jam to fill three 8 oz. (250 ml.) mason jars. The final yield may vary based on your preferred level of jam doneness.

Strawberry mango jam

Why not get double the deliciousness from the same fruit? We made strawberry syrup from the strawberry juices, then combined the leftover macerated strawberries with mango and lemon juice to create a scrumptious jam! That’s what we call a win-win recipe.
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  • 4 lb. ripe Strawberries 1,814 g.
  • 1.25 lb. Mango 600 g
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon
  • 1.25 lb. Sugar 600 g.
  • 1 tsp. Pectin


Prepare the Strawberries:

  • Pick very ripe strawberries for this recipe.
  • Gently rinse the strawberries under cold running water.
  • Remove the green stems, any blemishes, and white cores (hulls) from each strawberry. To hull strawberries, insert a knife or huller at a slight angle and rotate it around the stem to remove it.
  • Chop or quarter the strawberries and place them into a heavy-bottomed pot.
  • Add 1 ½ cups of sugar and mix well with the strawberries. It’s okay if you squash the strawberries a bit while mixing. Mix the remaining sugar with pectin and set it aside for later.
  • Cover the pot and let it sit for 4 to 6 hours, or overnight. This allows the sugar to draw out the strawberry juices needed to make the syrup.

Cook the Strawberries:

  • After 4 hours, you should see plenty of strawberry juices in the pot. Bring the strawberries to a boil over medium heat, stirring often to dissolve the sugar.
  • Skim any foam forming on top.
  • Once the mixture is boiling, lower the heat to medium-low and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and use a fine mesh strainer to drain the strawberry juices into a separate pot. We won't need these juices for this recipe. Puree the remaining stewed strawberries and add them to the heavy-bottomed pot you will use to make your jam. Now, prepare the mangoes.
  • Prepare the Mangoes
  • Wash and peel the mangoes. Cut them into medium-sized chunks.
  • Use a blender or food processor to puree the mangoes. Once done, add the pureed mangoes to the pot with the pureed strawberries and mix everything thoroughly.

Cook the Strawberry Mango Jam:

  • Bring the strawberry-mango mixture to a boil over medium heat. Stir often to prevent the mixture from burning at the bottom.
  • Once the jam mixture begins to boil, lower the heat to low and continue cooking for 20 minutes.
  • At the 20-minute mark, add the remaining pectin-sugar mix to the cooking jam. Stir well until the sugar and pectin dissolve.
  • Increase the heat to medium and cook for ten more minutes.
  • Once the jam is ready, pour it into sterilized jars and process them according to your preferred canning method.
Learn how to prepare mason jars and lids for canning
Keyword strawberry mango jam low sugar | strawberry mango jam recipe | strawberry mango jam recipe for canning | Strawberry mango jam with pectin

Choose your preferred canning method to preserve your jam

For those processing this preserve using water bath or steam canner, the processing time guidelines at various altitudes are as follows:

0 – 1,000 ft: 5 mins

1,001 – 6,000 ft: 10 mins

Altitudes Above 6,000 ft: 15 mins

Frequently asked questions

How do I increase the batch size of this jam?

Want more jam? Just increase the ingredients proportionally! Grab a bigger pot and make sure the jam mixture doesn’t go above 6 inches high. If your pot isn’t big enough, you will have to cook your jam a bit longer. For larger batches, use the chilled plate test to make sure your jam sets just right.

What can I do with the reserved strawberry juices?

Those strawberry juices are liquid gold! Drizzle them over ice cream, or mix them into sparkling drinks, cocktails, or milkshakes. Or, better yet, use them to make some amazing strawberry syrup, like this one we made a few weeks ago. It’s our favorite way to use up every drop of that strawberry goodness!

How can I use this jam?

Think of this strawberry mango jam as the cooler, older sibling of classic strawberry jam. These are just a few of the ideas on how to use this jam:

  • Morning toast or muffin: Say goodbye to plain strawberry jam and hello to strawberry mango jam on your toast, bread, or English muffins. It’s also perfect on crumpets.
  • Fill pastries or thumbprint cookies: This jam makes an awesome filling for turnovers, Danish pastries, or thumbprint cookies. Its thick consistency is also great for rugelach pastries.

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